Build-A-Bear Workshop is for Kids of All Ages

Build-A-Bear Workshop has been a well-liked store for years, but from what I can gather, the workshops are still a novelty concept here within the maritimes.

I think most of you who have been to this store would agree that Build-A-Bear Workshop has a lively, colorful and playful atmosphere that appeals to both young children and also the young at heart. From the moment you step inside the store, you’re surrounded by enjoyable music, friendly staff, lots of excited kids, along with a large array of stuffed animals and cute costumes for the plush critters.

The task is simple: choose the animal of your choice (or price range, as some varieties are much more pricey than other people), head over to the “fluffing machine” to fill him with soft plush (a process which generally entails giving a little song or dance. Then, once you’ve filled your new friend, bring him/her over to the wardrobe region to dress them up: the outfitting possibilities are endless! For additional $$, you are able to record your voice onto a message recorder and put it inside the bear for an extra-special touch (you can change the messages as you please). And then, when you’ve built the ideal bear, you head over to the computers to give your Teddy a birth certificate to ensure that he/she is certifiably legit. No darling, you can’t do that with other regular, already-made, bears.

When you leave the store, you get to tote your new friend in a crate that looks like a dollhouse (children will love the fact that they can color it in and customize it- plus, the inside of the box is set up like a closet so you can splurge on additional bear outfits-ha!)

Kids will no doubt be fascinated by this store, mouth hanging open, but B-a-B also draws a considerable number of “big kids” looking to produce a unique handmade animal for their loved one. It is really cute watching guys from the teen, 20-something and 30-something crowd performing the little song and dance to fill their bears. And we GFs (and BFs too] appreciate the effort- I thought it was truly sweet and romantic when my fiancé (then BF), surprised me with a Build-a-Bear that he made just for me. So guys, there’s a winning gift idea for ya!

Bottom line: Build-A-Bear Workshop is a surefire winner for kids of all ages!!

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